Digital Signature in Tally Prime


Digital Signature In Tally TDL

As per the normal system of invoicing, we either take a printout or write the details in a pre-printed format and then sign it using a pen and stamp it. In this manner, the invoice gets a legal value. What is Tally Prime digital signature or as some call it Tally digital signature tdl?

Now we are moving towards increased digitalization. Most companies today, use some software to generate the invoice which is then manually signed and stamped. Tally Prime digital signature module takes this one step further, we can generate the invoices from Tally Prime and instead of printing it we can digitally sign and mail it.

Digitally signing of documents is not a default feature of the Tally Prime product. To digitally sign your documents from within Tally, you need to additionally purchase the Digital Signature In Tally tdl from Tally Planet, a venture of Xplore Systems which is a certified Tally Partner from Mumbai. Tally Planet’s Tally Digital Signature Module is the kind of technology that is the need of the hour today.

Many companies in India email their invoices with a scanned image of the signature or without one at all. Such invoices are invalid as per the government’s invoicing rules. As per regulations pertaining to invoicing, an invoice can be authenticated by a digital signature. Organizations now have the option to digitally sign their invoices, purchase orders etc from/within Tally ERP 9, at just click of a button and easily send, store and retrieve the signed documents. With the Indian government announcing the Digital India initiative, many organizations are quickly moving towards becoming paperless offices.

The total cost of manual paper invoicing is always much higher as compared with e-invoicing. E-Invoicing significantly saves cost, time as well as efforts. The Indian government has allowed invoices, challans, and consignment notes etc, to be digitally signed with digital signature certificates and electronically sent.

  • Automated electronic processes are always cheaper.
  • Digitally signed documents are as authentic as those with handwritten signatures.
  • Electronic documents are much simpler to handle.
  • Electronic documents are immediately delivered to recipients over email as compared to courier.
  • Documents stored electronically are easy to catalogue, archive and also retrieve whenever needed.
  • Get an integrated workflow. Everything related to signing, processing and emailing of electronic documents happens from within Tally itself.
  • Digitally signed documents provide a green and environmentally friendly alternative to paper
  • Big corporates today, prefer Digitally Signed Invoices over hard copies. Slowly they are making them mandatory.
  • Anytime verification and validation of the authenticity of an invoice. It contains the name, location, date and time of the signed invoice. The module can mail the digitally signed invoice from within Tally Itself.
  • Superfast Installation
  • Immediate digital signing and emailing of Digitally Signed Invoices and other documents at the click of the mouse from within Tally Prime.
  • Save paper and printing costs
  • Customer can easily authenticate and verify invoices
  • Our Tally Digital Signature TDL handles all types of customized and default invoice formats
  • Digitally sign all your documents from Tally Prime such as Purchase Order, Invoices, Receipts etc
  • Significantly save printing, courier costs and storage space in the office.
  • Move ahead with Digital India
  • Eliminate the need to hunt for hard copies in files when you require to refer for anything

Buy Tally Digital Signature TDL now

  1. Create GST Invoices, Receipts Purchase Orders etc in Tally as usual
  2. Install Digital Signature TDL after which you will get an option to export a Digitally Signed Invoice
  3. Make sure that your DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) is valid and the token is connected to the computer on which Tally is installed and you wish to digitally sign the invoice.
  4. Tally will ask the user to login into his DSC token. After entering the correct pin, the module will digitally sign the invoice.
  5. The Digitally Signed PDF document is now ready.
  6. Also, this module has the option to e-mail the same
  • Majority of invoices generated from Tally are sent via email
  • Most of the Tally invoices emailed are actually invalid as they do have any signature on them.
  • Most of the remaining clients use their signature scanned image in the Tally invoice which is also invalid.
  • Printing of invoices, signing them, then scanning and emailing is a time-consuming process. Sending hard copies by courier is another major expense.
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Add Digital Signature in Tally. Move with Digital India.
