Tally 9 was introduced in 2006. Support for Tally 9 is now discontinued for the last many years. So, we have suggested to all our customers to download and install the current latest product i.e. Tally ERP 9
In case you wish to migrate your Tally 9 data to Tally ERP 9, you could follow the detailed steps below or contact us in case you are facing any issue in migrating your Tally 9 data to Tally ERP 9.
Step 1 : Backup Data
Start Tally 9
- In the Company Info menu select Backup
The Backup Companies on Disk screen appears
- In the Source by default C:\Tally9Data appears as the source folder
- In the Destination provide the required folder where you want to store the backup of data.
- Press Enter to start backup of data
A file title TBK500.001 is stored in the specified folder
Surrender Tally 9
Go to Gateway of Tally or Company Info menu
- F12: Configure > Licensing > Online > Surrender
- The surrender License request is sent to Tally Internet Services Server. On receiving a valid response from the Internet Service Server the license is surrendered, and Tally will be in Educational mode
Step 2 : Install Tally.ERP 9
You can install Tally.ERP 9 by downloading it from here
Tally.ERP 9 is compatible with Windows XP SP2 or higher versions of the Windows operating system.
To install Tally.ERP 9
- Double click the installer icon to open Tally.ERP 9 Installer.
- Select the required Installation folder path, if you do not want to install Tally.ERP 9 at the default location.
- Click Advanced to alter the Data Directory, Country Selection, and Startup Language.
- Click Check Latest to check availability of the latest version of Tally.ERP 9. The Install Now option, by default, installs the latest version of the application.
- Click Install Latest to install the latest version. Alternatively, click Install to install the version you have downloaded.
Tally.ERP 9 automatically installs 32-bit or 64-bit Tally.ERP 9 application, depending on your system configuration. However, if required you can install 32-bit Tally.ERP 9 on a 64-bit Windows operating system.
Next, you need to activate your Tally.ERP 9 license
1. Start Tally.ERP 9.
2. Click A: Activate Your License in the Startup screen, as shown below:

- If you are a Microsoft Windows standard user, and do not have the required rights, a message appears as shown below:

Click Yes , and enter your computer administrator username and password to restart Tally.ERP 9 with administrator rights.
- If you have Microsoft Windows administrator rights, a message appears as shown below:

Click Yes , for Tally.ERP 9 to restart with administrator rights.
3. Enter your Tally.ERP 9 Serial Number ,Activation Key , and Administrator e-mail ID , as shown below:

Note: The e-mail ID provided in the License Activation screen is linked to your Tally.ERP 9 serial number, and can be used for all further licensing operations, and interactions with Tally Solutions.
4. Press Enter to activate your license. A confirmation message appears, as shown below:

5. Press Enter to view the Unlock License screen.
6. Enter the Unlock Key sent to your e-mail ID in the Unlock License screen , as shown below:

- Press Enter to unlock your license. A confirmation message appears once you unlock your license.
On activation, the license details are displayed in the Information Panel.
On migrating the company data from Tally 9 to Tally.ERP 9, a warning message appears as shown below:

9. Press Enter to convert your data.