Category: Ready Tally Addons

Advanced Maker-Checker Module


What is the advanced maker checker module? Today the reliance on software and modern ERPs for day to day operations is increasing constantly. Consequently, the requirement to make such software more and more foolproof also goes up. Requirements to inculcate the procedures earlier used during previous manual systems also come up. Maker checker module is a step in this direction only. It is a must for any company which wants to ensure that the data entry operator has entered everything correctly. They also want a senior to verify and authorize all entries or a particular type of entries done.

Advanced maker checker module is a module where the transaction appears in the books of accounts only after authentication by an authorized person. This advanced module is mainly for companies with multiple accountants with hierarchy. In this system of approval, the data operator only enters a voucher and it is sent for approval to a higher authority. This higher authority will do the actual voucher verification and authentication of the transaction. Only after this approval, the voucher reflects in the company’s books of accounts. It is possible to set such a workflow or process of authorization through this maker checker module.

What do you get in this module?

This maker checker module contains all that is there in the basic module along with:

  • Value-based voucher approval: The administrator sets an amount which a particular user can authorize. If it exceeds the limit of the approver, it goes to the next level for approval as per the set workflow. Thus a two-stage approval system for any voucher is set; a data entry operator makes the entry and his senior approves it. If the transaction amount is within the limit assigned to the approving senior, the transaction will reflect in the books. If beyond the limit of the senior, it will go to the next level senior for approval who can finally approve it. So, you can check and verify the transaction at two levels in this maker checker module.
  • Revision of Transaction: In case an approved voucher which is reflecting in the books is altered, it will go for approval again.

If a single level or simple voucher authorization is required, then you may consider buying our Basic Voucher Authorisation Module


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